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God's Plan of Salvation:


Hear The Word

(Romans 10:17)


Believe The Word

(John 8:24)



(Luke 13:3)


Confess Faith In Christ

(Romans 10: 9-10)


Be Baptized

(Full Immersion)

(Mark 16:16)


Remain Faithful

(Revelation 2:10)




Jimmy Anderson

James Bybee




Wayne Hix

Larry Gentry

Teddy Ragland

Seth Clinard

Jason Anderson

Michael Netherton

Brandon Howell

Jason Lynn

Bobby Buck

Corey Dill




Edward Anderson Duane Gossett

 At McCoinsville church of Christ, we are rooted in teaching God’s word, and we believe the Bible is God’s inspired word.  We believe there is one true church, and the church was purchased by the blood that Christ shed as He hung on the cross at Calvary. Our Lord came to this low ground of sin and sorrow so that we, by coming in contact with His blood thru full immersion baptism, can have a chance to go to Heaven one day. We have to follow God’s plan of salvation, and not man's if we are to reach our goal of Heaven. If we cannot remain faithful, we can repent and ask for forgiveness in prayer. The power of prayer is great!!!! 

Service Times:


Sunday Services:

Bible Study: 9 A.M.

Worship: 10 A.M. & 6 P.M.


Wednesday Bible Study:

7:00 P.M.



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